What are Safe and Legal Pathways?

The tragedies in the Mediterranean, with the loss of human lives during desperate attempts to reach European shores, underline the need to implement a safe and legal entry system for migrants. “Safe and Legal Routes” not only ensure safe entry methods but also reduce the reliance on dangerous migration routes, combating human trafficking.

These pathways include resettlement, humanitarian visas, medical visas, private sponsorship, family reunifications, and other humanitarian channels. The goal is to offer legal and safe alternatives to migrants, avoiding the risk to their lives through irregular routes. This initiative is based on the 2016 New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants and the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework.

Implementing Safe and Legal Pathways is crucial in preventing the risk of exploitation, violence, and death during the perilous journeys faced by migrants. This approach would also reduce the cost for both the international community and host countries, which are engaged in costly security operations and extensive border control. Moreover, it would facilitate the monitoring and management of migration flows, ensuring better preparation for integration activities.

MAEC is actively engaged in an advocacy campaign aimed at promoting the adoption of Safe and Legal Routes, focusing efforts on the Mediterranean while reflecting on the importance of a global approach. The campaign aims to raise awareness among governments, international institutions, and public opinion on the urgency of protecting the most vulnerable people, combating migration routes and human traffickers, as well as respecting international asylum obligations.

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