MAEC is at the forefront of Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR), developing tailored solutions to address the challenges related to emergencies in refugee camps and vulnerable communities.
What is Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR)?
Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR) is a specialization within the broader field of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and is often managed within the Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) cluster, in the context of the international humanitarian system. As a specialized sector, EPR focuses on the necessary preparation to enable high-risk communities to enhance their response capabilities and become the first responders within their own communities.
When an emergency occurs, speed becomes of utmost importance, and rapid response times can mean the difference between life and death for those at risk. Therefore, by training and equipping first responders within communities, response times can be drastically reduced, significantly increasing the chances of survival. This approach is crucial for rapidly addressing emergencies in a world where humanitarian interventions are continually growing. Additionally, it represents a cost-effective mechanism to bridge the growing gap between the needs of the most vulnerable populations and the reduction in humanitarian funding.
This is why MAEC adopts an innovative approach to addressing Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR) in the most at-risk communities.